Thursday, February 16, 2012

Self Defense-top Eight Tips For Women

Ninety percent of all assaults and street crimes are committed against women. If women know that they can take some preemptive steps to protect themselves. Here are some self-defense tips for women. Guys you have some women in your life so share with them.

1. Learn some basic self-defense techniques. This can be done in the comfort of your own home with or without a friend. It?s a great way to build some relationships within your family too.

2. Learn how to avoid a fight. There is an art to it.

3. Use common sense and always be aware of where you are and your surroundings.

4. A self defense course will help build self-confidence, which leads to a more positive way that you carry yourself so that you don?t look to be an easy target. Have positive body language.

5. If you are attacked remember your first priority is survival. Scream your head off, bite, scratch and run like hell.

6. Practice your self defense skills and practice with your self defense weapons. It doesn?t do you any good if you have a pepper spray and can?t remember how to use it.

7. You always have options on where you go and how you get there. Whenever possible go with a buddy.

8. Always carry a self defense product with you like a pepper spray, stun gun, a personal alarm or a taser. You never know when you will need one-it may be anywhere.

If you follow these tips, they may end up saving your life. And remember the old Chinese proverb-
?Walk softly and carry a big pepper spray.?

If you think crime can only happen to the other guy you are wrong. The ?other guy? is thinking the same thing and to him you are that ?other guy?. There is a reason why they call it self defense. You have to protect yourself, your family, your home and business!!

Chances are if you are reading this that crime has touched your life in some way or you consider yourself at risk. Take the next step and do something to protect yourself! Your life and safety is worth far more than the cost of self defense course.

If you are in the market for a self defense product look for quality, effectiveness, and a biggie-LEGALITY. Stun guns are not legal in some states. Pepper sprays have restrictions in some jurisdictions. Check with your local police department first before you get one.

To learn more click the links below and Save 10 % off your first purchase using discount code FTV at checkout.

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Taser C2
Mace Pepper Gun

Pretender Stun Gun


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