Thursday, February 9, 2012

Preventing Fraudulent Workers Compensation Claims | Finance ...

Preventing Fraudulent Workers Compensation Claims

Statistics on Fraudulent Claims

False workers compensation claims can have a harmful effect on residential building companies. The numbers of fake claims vary from 1% to 20%, so it is not easy to obtain a solid picture of how widespread the phony claims are and what they cost business owners.

Reasons For False Claims

The sources of counterfeit claims encompass varied driving forces and conditions.

Company Culture: An organization that does not respect its workers may inadvertently motivate a staff member to take a vacation from that workplace paid by worker compensation. It is important to correct mistakes, but it is crucial to reward workers for good work with praise or bonuses. A business that does not strive to engender good morale can create resentful employees, who might stage an accident to collect workers compensation.

Low Wages: Many owners want the most out of a worker at the least amount of money. Low salaries that are below the norm can create a workforce that cannot meet their personal obligations. Filing a phony workmen comp claim can allow an employee to get income and have more time to make undeclared money, by creating a home repair service, where the claimant add those funds with his workers comp.

Hazardous Work Circumstances: Safety is not always the number one concern of some building contractors. Workers, who are faced with laboring at an unsafe building site, may be tempted to file for workmen comp. In a hazardous situation, it would not be hard for an employee to fake an injury. The disregard for the well being of his crew by the owner could easily motivate a worker to file the claim to gain the time to locate a job with much safer working conditions.

Getting over on the Company: Occasionally, an owner may end up hiring a worker, who finds it gratifying to pull a fast one on the company by filing a false worker compensation claim. Ferreting out that kind of person can be difficult. However, skillful interviewing techniques by the owner may uncover a job candidate with this kind of attitude

Runners: Some workers compensation scam artists, who include phony medical clinics and shady lawyers, hire runners to recruit employees to file bogus claims. Stress to workers that getting involved in this type of scam can entail serious fines and jail time. Encourage staff members to report any approaches by runners to management.

Battling Bogus Claims

Require employees to inform management directly after about any accidents on the job.

Make conversation with your employees. Learn what they are like and determine what type of principles do each have, and if the situation arises would that employee file an invalid workers comp. claim.

Educate your staff about safe practices on the job. In certain zones, restrict the presence of clients and workers not involved in that aspect of the construction.

Utilize monitors to identify and rectify hazardous conditions. Monitors should also reprimand any employee, who displays unsafe behavior on the job. Foremen are automatically responsible for worker safety.

The monitor needs to be well-informed about the work to be evaluated for safety issues. This individual should have a lighter schedule, so he can effectively apply the safety precautions. By OSHA regulations, the monitor cannot supervise more than six workers. Check on the backgrounds in-depth of each new worker. Ascertain whether a recent employee has been convicted of fraud.

Let your employees know how invalid workers compensation claims by co-workers can put their jobs at risk and add to their duties.

Give dollar incentives to employees, who name a fellow employee that has filed a bogus workers comp claim.

Check with your insurance company to find out if they employ insurance investigators to validate claims. These investigators monitor the claimant?s behavior. If the ?injured? worker is performing hobbies that require an individual to be in fit physical condition or doing odd jobs that are strenuous, the investigator reports that to the insurance company. These types of reports usually result in the immediate termination of the claim.

Make sure that your insurance company utilizes medical staff and procedures to determine return to work status. If you feel one of your workers may be ready to return to work, notify the insurance company?s medical staff.

If you own a business, you are usually mandated by the state that you operate in to carry workers compensation insurance. Never do a project without worker?s compensation. Worker compensation protects you as well as your workers. Without worker compensation, you could lose your company and endanger your personal assets if an injury happens on the job.

Workman compensation claims will raise employer premiums. However, construction industry occupations are oftentimes high risk. Do not cast suspicion on a worker just because he or she has been injured on the job.

Custom Contractors Insurance (CCI) is committed to saving construction professionals, money and time when dealing with Workers Compensation Claims. CCI?s exceptional customer service is demonstrated routinely when it comes to providing the highest Workers Compensation Insurance.

Custom Contract Insurance is committed to providing the best protection for home builders, contractors and employee through excellent worker compensation insurance Workers Compensation insurance. Our prices are excellent and well below the quotes of other insurance companies.

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Tags: Business Finance, what is workers compensation, workers compensation, workers compensation benefits, workers compensation claim, workers compensation codes, workers compensation coverage, workers compensation insurance, workers compensation insurance quote


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