Sunday, August 19, 2012

Google/Motorola Sues Apple For Patent Infringement

Google evil2

Bloomberg are reporting that Motorola Mobility has filed a claim with the U.S. International Trade Commission over several features including email notifications and location based reminders.

Motorola released a statement saying

?We would like to settle these patent matters, but Apple?s unwillingness to work out a license leaves us little choice but to defend ourselves and our engineers? innovations,?

The interesting part here of course is not that, again, Apple and an Android OEM are involved in a patent dispute but that it is now Google who have gone after Apple. Google owns Motorola Mobility in its entirety now and so are entirely responsible for their actions.

Google/Motorola is aiming to have all iOS devices banned from being imported into the US and the ITC will make a decision on the 24th of August in this regard. If this happens it would have a serious effect on Apple?s rumoured launch of the New iPhone a few weeks later on September 12th. This isn?t by any means a necessary part of the process and has long been the source of the negativity towards Apple.

Googles other options include defending their OEM?s by attempting to have Apple?s patents invalidated or if they want to defend Motorola?s patents they are more than capable of having their day in court without any product bans. It seems Google has decided to play just as ?dirty? as Apple in this case however and that appears to be somewhat of a U-turn on their previous public stance.?

Google have always maintained publicly in the past that their patent portfolio would only be used in defence and have been very vocal on their supposed ?Innovate not litigate? stance including blog posts?here?and?here. This move certainly appears to contradict that.?


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