Saturday, June 2, 2012

Treatments and prevention skin allergies in babies | Bodybuilding ...

Infant Skin Allergies:


Health experts believe that baby skin rashes generally spring up from some other health conditions that the infant is experiencing. We suggest that you consult a pediatrician if for baby skin problems.

Diagnosis of Skin Allergies in Babies:


The physician will go into your family history, particularly that of food allergies.

Also he would like to know if the child has been exposed to any infections or irritants. You will be asked when the rashes began appearing and what kind of food and medication the child was on at that time. If the rash is due to some allergens, they will disappear once the allergens are identified and eliminated.

If the rashes are from an infection, then it may last for some time.


Some of the other things that you need to observe about the baby skin allergy are:

How did the rashes appear?
Is there a certain pattern to the rashes?
Which parts of the body does the rash affect?
What, according to you, makes the rashes worse?
Is your child on some new diet or food?
What are the symptoms that accompany the rashes?

The doctor might suggest other tests to determine the cause of the baby skin disorder. There is a chance that a Patch test will be recommended. In this a small portion of chemicals is applied on the skin to check for reactions. Blood tests are also common.


Treatments for Skin Allergies in Babies:


Some of the simple, natural remedies to bring relief to the baby skin condition are:
Ice can be rubbed onto the swelling to decrease the itching.

Maintain a journal of what kind of food your child is consuming. Quite often, allergens are found in the food. So once you write down and monitor what your baby is eating, you might be able to find a pattern and a connection between a food product and the rashes.

Try to prevent cross contamination between food products. This can reduce the chances of an allergic reaction.
Another point to remember is that sometimes an allergy can be triggered off because of an anaphylactic shock. This serious medical emergency is treated pronto with epinephrine that raises the low blood pressure and opens up constricted airways. Therefore you must consult a doctor if you feel that the baby has suddenly got hives or severe rashes.
Check if your baby has eczema, a condition that is uncomfortable but curable.
Also check if it?s diaper rash that is bothering your baby.

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